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Pitch machine pros industry blog

tips & advice on pitching machines, sports and more!

Cracking the Code of Baseball Pitching Strike Zone

Aug 6, 2023

Cracking the Code of Baseball Pitching Strike Zone

The strike zone in baseball isn't just a random area; it's a critical piece of the complex chess match that is a ballgame; a swaying pendulum that could tilt the balance of the game. This area, where pitchers strive to locate their pitches, and batters seek opportunities to strike, is an intriguing mixture of physics, precision, and psychology. Throughout this post, we'll delve deeper into the factors defining the strike...

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Cracking the Code: How to Improve My Pitching in Baseball like a Pro!

Aug 4, 2023

Cracking the Code: How to Improve My Pitching in Baseball like a Pro!

Welcome fellow baseball enthusiasts! Getting ahead in baseball may seem challenging but with the right technique, you can drastically improve your pitching. Just like hitting a ball requires timing and coordination, pitching too has its nuances that need to be mastered. Pitching is not just about strength and speed, it's a craft that requires precision, control, and a good understanding of the game. By harnessing these key elements, you'll notice...

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Who Threw The Fastest Baseball Pitch In The World?

Aug 2, 2023

Who Threw The Fastest Baseball Pitch In The World?

Baseball - a game of power, skill, and speed. Most particularly, speed. That heart- stopping cinematic moment when the pitcher winds up, and then, in a blur, hurls the ball towards home plate . It's a thrill like no other. Many fans and players often find themselves posing the question, "Just how fast can a pitcher throw?" Across the globe, records have been set and broken, all in the pursuit...

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